We live in a web of relationships. We have a relationship with the people in our lives, a relationship with ourselves, and relationships to the animals, sky, water, and land. What does it mean to be in relationship to another? Can we remain connected to ourselves as we connect to another? Mountain Pose is a great way to practice being present to another person, place, or thing.

Pick a place you love. Plant your feet. Feel the connection to the ground beneath you. Let the energy of the huge planet we are on to rise up through your feet and into your whole body. Let it centre and align you. Bend your knees a little.

Feel your heart from the inside. Allow love and gratitude to extend outwards, opening your arms to the sides, palms open. Soften your eyes and gaze at the person, creek, tree, mirror, or imagined Beloved before you.

Place your attention on your inner landscape and notice any sensations in your body. Where do you feel solid, strong, and grounded?

Now shift your attention to the being you are in relationship with. What happens inside when you come into relation with the other? What changes do you notice in your body when you include the other being in your awareness?

Come back to your feet. Ask yourself, “What am I willing to take a stand for?” Maybe you care about a piece of land that is being threatened by industry. Perhaps you love an endangered animal. Maybe there are children in our community you want to help. Allow yourself to feel your empathy throughout your body as you are supported by the earth.

Journal your reflections and share with a friend.